Islamic Art History in the Book Brief History of Art by Stokstad

Profile Image for Lệ Lin.

155 reviews 62 followers

Edited February 27, 2018

For an endeavour to frame the big film of art history in more than vi hundred pages, such a book is appropriate inasmuch equally formal analyses are thoroughly written along with a skilful quality of exemplification. Providing a broad range of cognition for especially students as well as art enthusiasts, Art: A Cursory History is a great starting-point to adventure into arts from the past, sailing to contemporary arts and perhaps, linking to the future. Anyhow, the volume still has its flaws from my personal perspective. A few unclear classifications of renowned pieces (such every bit chapter 18 of European and American Art from 1840 to 1910) and a multitude of definitions are far more complex than they should exist.
Quyển sách đắt đỏ mình quằn quại mua cho môn Lịch Sử Nghệ Thuật và bây giờ thì không hối hận. Thời gian học cũng không đủ trải đều cho từng chương nên mình cố gắng đọc bù lại ở nhà. Quyển sách to, xem tranh rất đã, tới nỗi ban đầu còn say sưa xem tưởng như là đang đứng trước tranh thật (xong về sau tụt hứng một tẹo vì là tranh in sai màu cũng nhiều, mà cũng không trách được); dày cộm nhưng vẫn là ít ỏi để đi sâu vào bất kì điều gì, vẫn là một nền tảng tốt để tích cóp thêm kiến thức cho những quyển sau này đọc. Vì cùng đọc với bài giảng của giảng viên nên nhận ra là có một vài chi tiết, cách định nghĩa có vẻ quá phức tạp (đúng kiểu học thuật). Khi tự đọc thì một số phân loại tranh vào thời kì vẫn khiến mình bối rối (cũng chỉ có thể cân nhắc do sách được tham khảo từ nhiều nguồn khác nhau); về Nghệ Thuật Đương Đại, đối với mình thì có chút dư thừa khi nói về quá nhiều tác phẩm mà thật sự vẫn cần thời gian để minh chứng cho giá trị của chúng.

Một quyển sách tốt để giữ làm của như bách khoa toàn thư ấy, khi nào cần ôn lại điều gì cũng có thể tìm thấy (hầu hết) thứ mình cần.

    Profile Image for Nina.

    141 reviews 5 followers

    March 17, 2020

    Very good and comprehensive overview over Western art and its main influences from prehistoric times until recent days. I notice the book well-structured, like shooting fish in a barrel to follow and adequately illustrated. The small boxes with additional information on techniques or details of a specific artwork are a swell addition. The detailed glossary in the dorsum is very helpful for an fine art history student similar me.

    The chapters about Central and South American as well as African art are both quite brusque and comprehend only a very generalised overview over some of the most known art, craft and architecture. Enough to kindle curiosity for more detailed literature on the subjects.

      Profile Image for Douglas Florian.

      Author 79 books 87 followers

      Edited May 27, 2020

      When I was undergraduating, many moons ago, the standard fine art history text was H.Due west. Janson'due south A Basic History of Art. It lacked color photos (except for a few plates), non-Western art for the nearly part, and ignored women artists.
      Simply when my girl took an introductory art history course, Janson was replaced by Art: A Brief History past Marlyn Stokstad, perchance the new standard. It'due south much more multi-cultural (Asian art, African art, Islamic art, and Art of the Americas are developed at great length now). And women artists are included now both in text and picture. That's the skillful news.
      Now the bad news. Very bad news. The omissions past Stokstad in regards modern art are numerous and quite unbelievable.
      NOWHERE in this 400 folio volume can y'all notice any mention of these major artists of the Twentieth Century:
      Max Ernst, Francis Picabia, Giorgio DeChirico, Oskar Kokoschka, Max Beckman, Georges Roualt, Gustav Klimt, Alberto Giacometti, Henri Cartier- Bresson, Rene Magritte, Pierre Bonnard, Amadeo Modigliani, Chaim Soutine, Homo Ray, Arshile Gorky, Edouard Vuillard, Juan Gris, Balthus, Marc Chagall, and Kurt Schwitters. Paul Klee is just mentioned in passing as a instructor in the Bauhuas. Yikes!
      No mention of the women artists Anni Albers, Hilma af Klint, Joan Mitchell, Berenice Abbott, Yayoi Kusama, Louise Bourgeois, Diane Arbus, Nancy Graves, and Agnes Martin. No mention of post-war artists as Barnett Newman, Robert Motherwell, Clifford However, Franz Kline, Hans Hoffman, Ad Reinhardt, Morris Louis, Frank Stella, Lucian Freud, Joseph Albers, or Brice Marden, among others.
      INSTEAD nosotros get such artists every bit Joseph Kosuth, Hugo Ball, Judith F. Baca, Wenda Gu, Jennifer Steinkamp, Jenny Holzer, Faith Ringgold, Miriam Schapiro, Bruce Nauman, Yves Klein, Roland Barthes, Emily Carr, Marianne Brandt, and Emmy Hennings.

        Profile Image for Sepehr Karimi.

        23 reviews 4 followers

        January 12, 2021

        تعداد کتاب های تاریخ هنری که خوندم انگشت شمارن و بیشتر با مستند با این موضوع برخورد داشتم. در بین همین چند کتاب تاریخ هنر اما، این بهترینشون بود.
        تنوعی که کتاب داره واقعا عالیه. زمان های مختلف، کشور های متنوع، و همینطور سبک های بسیار زیاد. کتاب به این هم توجه میکنه که توی سبک هایی که میگه حتما حداقل یک هنرمند زن رو معرفی کنه.
        حتی انواع هنرهایی که توی کتاب اشاره شدن هم بسیار متنوع بودن. اما خب این قدر تنوع یه نکته منفی داره که اون هم فشرده بودن مطالب و اشاره کردن به بعضی مباحثه. تعداد زیادی از هنرمندهای بسیار مهم و تاثیر گذار فقط یک اثر ازشون توی کتاب هست. برای همین این اثر برای بررسی کل تاریخ هنر عالیه اما برای جزئیات نیاز به سرچ یا مطالعه کتاب های دیگه حتما حس میشه.

          Profile Image for Monica.

          354 reviews half-dozen followers

          July v, 2020

          This is a expert introduction to art history for someone (like me) who needs to become a bit acquainted with terminology and dissimilar schools. Possibly non the well-nigh inspiring reading - but it is a comprehensive volume with a lot of information.

          Profile Image for Skai.

          246 reviews

          May 14, 2017

          Read this for my History and Appreciation of Fine art I course. I am a fan of any art so I idea this book was interesting to read.

          Profile Image for Brandon.

          17 reviews

          September 22, 2011

          Concluding twelvemonth I originally took Art History because information technology was an art requirement. I had taken a ceramics grade the year before and realized that not only can I not make ceramic materials well, but I didn't really savor it. But when I got into Art History, I realized that I could capeesh fine art all mean solar day. I know it may seem silly that I'm reviewing an Art History textbook, but this one of my favorite textbooks I've ever had. The astonishing item and the interesting facts the textbook gave fabricated Art History so fun (I also have to give credit to my amazing teacher!)!

          I could expect at all the Western fine art found in this book all twenty-four hours. From the Hellenistic art piece Laocoon and His Sons, to Caravaggios'southward Calling of St. Matthew, to Picasso'due south Les Demoiselles d'Avignon or Guernica, to Dali'southward Persistence of Retention. This textbook definitely tries its best to be faithful to the composition of the original fine art pieces it displays (merely it'southward definitely non the same every bit really seeing the art pieces!). I'd definitely purchase this book only to read it in my spare time; appreciating art is really calming. It definitely boosts your cognitive processes.

            Profile Image for Ietrio.

            v,925 reviews 25 followers

            June 10, 2019

            Fine art can exist annihilation: from telling a story well, to having a good oral communication, to how to wearable your pilus. Stokstad is ignorant enough to experience "I know it all", and instead of restricting it to let'due south say "one armed, three eyed statues made in late Hellenic way", Stokstad gives a "brief" history of everything. Is it crap? Of grade, just because Stokstad did not have the fourth dimension to write it all, correct?

            Profile Image for Kellie.

            182 reviews 2 followers

            Edited August 12, 2014

            I was never that much into art until one twenty-four hour period an creative person friend said to me:

            Corrine: Kellie, permit me explain it to you this way: art is a physical manifestation of the artists opinion, emotion, desire, hunger...what accept you. You are not a plebeian if you don't similar a piece of fine art. That is non it's purpose. Art has only 1 purpose: to make y'all FEEL something. Acrimony, happiness, disgust, desire, sadness, elation. If you, as an observer, feel Annihilation, and then the artist has done his or her job.

            Oh, that Corrine-she is a wise woman. I actually have favourite artists now: Marking Ryden, Ray Caesar, Marion Peck but to proper noun a few.

            Thank you Corrine.

              art history horror
            Profile Image for Salimah.

            145 reviews 37 followers

            Edited Nov 16, 2015

            This is one of my favorite textbooks this quarter. The images were stunningly clear and the limerick accompanying them were merely enough to evoke a bit of history of the piece and artist as well as its tie to that particular era in history. Granted, the version we used was specifically for MCC, just information technology was perfect for a quarter-long form. I found myself reading quickly through each affiliate and anticipating the coming chapters.

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